Obel wrote:
Those are just a few examples though. But the proof is in the pudding, science pretty much has proved the existence of life in space so it's entirely more plausible that there is factual leanings in Scientology, when compared to other religions especially. So, please, try not to be so ignorant.
I'm sorry, but Scientology is clearly not Science. There is not a shred of Science in it, other than Science Fiction. There is a distinct difference. Please don't confuse the two.
got handed a scientology flier on the bridges in edinburgh once then about 100 yards down the road someone handed me a flier saying how scientology is an evil cult etc etc ha ha ha ha ha. kept them somewhere. good to see folk are trying to sabotage this nonsense.
i thought that flyer was a dream come true, i was up for listening to their bollocks to get a free mp3 player. but when i tried to find the talk noone had heard anything about it and it deffinately wasnt near splash. did anyone actualy find it?!
lol scientology is such blatent bollocks though. the guy that made its a science fiction writer
hmmm....did anyone catch the beginning of Aphex & Hecker's set on Saturday, when the projecter screens on stage were displaying the typed and spoken message of Collosus the computer that was going to take over earth? I'm sure part of it displayed some of those questions which the Scientology personality test asks...coincedence maybe, or was this scientology lark a setup for their show?!! Or purhaps RDJ is the new Tom Cruise!
...maybe my mind was so melted that I'm putting 2 and 2 together and coming up with 7.....oh well.........