This may help Lew and Mike miss out on the fights they seem so good at running into on Prince of Wales wrote:Binge drinking crackdown launched
Anti-social drinkers could be banned from city centres under the initiative
A summer campaign to tackle loutish binge drinkers and reduce alcohol-fuelled violence begins on Thursday.
On-the-spot fines, sting operations and anti-social behaviour orders will be used in town and city centres.
No more scaling lamposts, diving into bushes or stealing large letters from the front of buildings then.same place wrote:Fixed penalty notices of £40 will be handed out to the drunk and disorderly.
Who often does that happen? I mean people forget things that have happened, but I have never met a drunk person that doesn't know who they are. Unless of course you can count the lack of response from an unconscious person or the incomprehensible slur of someone completely plastered as "forgetting".some lady wrote:It will be less accepted by society for young men and women to go out and drink until they can't remember who they are.
I think vigilantes should just walk around the street Judge Dred stylie and simply execute (or sever limbs) of anyone that is causing an excessive amount of trouble. It's quite easy to spot the protagonists of the mayhem, and making an example of these would deter the others.