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Pre-coach meetup at Bristol anyone?

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 4:43 pm
by daggs

is anyone up for a pre-coach meetup near Bristol Templemeads on the Friday for a chance to meet fellow BLOCers? There is a wetherspoons just round the corner for nice cheap drinks :)

RSVP here :)


Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 7:23 pm
by Phier
I'm game if my fellow peeps are. What time were you thinking, and will you be wearing a name badge?

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 8:52 pm
by daggs
Perhaps 2pm? The wetherspoons is called the knights templar i think and it's literally a 5 min walk max from the station.

BLOC name badges sound good, perhaps the most original badge should get a prize :wink:

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 9:06 am
by daggs

Theres 5 of us from Bristol going to Wetherspoons, are you sure we can't convince any of you others to join? Heres a map of it, but all you need to do is take the side exit from templemeads into the car park, following the signs for the ferry, it's literally a 2-3 min walk

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 11:59 am
by nominou
If I've time between plane and coach I'll try and make it down...what a kind and open hearted offer:)

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 1:46 pm
by HangLoose
There's two of us getting to Brizzle about 2ish...We shall go to wetherspoons...perhaps see you there :)

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 2:08 pm
by fenton
Yeah OK see you in teh spoons.

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 8:44 am
by daggs
Great!lookin forward to meeting everyone :)