Assuming it doesn't, any ideas for other stuff to do besides music and getting mashed?
I was looking forward to a beach side weekend, but it looks like the weather's going to stop that.
Take the dog for a walk
Ride a bike
Ten Pin Bowling
Gymnastic Lessons
Reading up on your family history
Drama Classes
Feng Shui
Horse Riding
Art Gallery / Musuem
Model Railways
Martial Arts
Train Spotting
Plane Spotting
One of the areas (smashbloc I believe) Is truely 24x7
It's all about the music for me. Otherwise you can spend hours on the 2p falls! a tenners worth of 2ps should last you the whole weekend. The arcades were trippy as hell to me last year!
'Veni, Vidi, Velcro' - I came, I saw, I stuck around
DannyBee wrote:Otherwise you can spend hours on the 2p falls! a tenners worth of 2ps should last you the whole weekend. The arcades were trippy as hell to me last year!