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UK lovers from a hillbilly village in Holland

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 12:32 pm

It was our seccond time over in the UK in 2004 (first time was in september at Haywire's 9th anniversary). Really digging the awesome atmosphere at both ocassions, here in Holland there's often so much more arrogance... Pretty flattering to get so many nice feedback : ) both here and at the venue.

We're planning to come over soon again (feel free to get us booked at nice gigs, haha!), and furthermore we're having nice plans with the peeps from Funkstörung [Shamelessly unknown in the UK (!!!), you all should check out their stuff], stuff coming up in Holland, Belgium, Germany, Spain, and possibly even more. If you're interested, check out

So erm, thanks for all yer kind words; We'll meet again, dunno when... dunno when....