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Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 5:18 pm
by Kenny
Mine's ordered.

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 11:35 pm
by james
We got the location.
Cable Studios, 566 Cable Street, London E1W
How To Get There

Nearest station: Limehouse. Cable Studios is located just a short walk from Limehouse which is served by the Dockland Light Railway (DLR) which you can get on at Bank. Shadwell station also on the DLR and East London Line is next nearest.

Cable Studios are just off the Commercial Rd which runs from Aldgate East tube, there are many buses among others the 15 and 115 routes will get you there.
Link on streetmap here

I'm ready for action.

WANG - New Years Eve

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 3:48 pm
by The A.V.ologist
Just bought 8 of the last tickets for Wang NYE - I just can't contain the excitement.

There should be a big Norfolk representation so it will be like partying in Norwich, but without being totally shit. Nice.

How many heads from Norwich do you think will be there, I can think of 10 not including the uncollected posse?

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 5:05 pm
by james

There should be a huge Narfark representation down there.
I know of a few odd and ends of people that are going down from Norwich, a whole loads more if you include all the Brighton baselogic posse, who originally stem from this area.

What sort of time are people getting down there?

Forgot to add: If you are training it down to London and are able to specify both an outward and return journey time you can get something like a weekend leisure ticket where you effectively get 2 for 1. It works out for 2 people being only £20; a tenner each can't be bad.

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 7:51 pm
by Kenny
My ticket still hasn't arrived! WAH

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 7:52 pm
by lew
shit! Ken any news on your ticket yet???

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 7:53 pm
by The A.V.ologist
A load of heads are coming down on the three O'clock train as thats the last one part of the deal.

If anyone gets to London and has nothing to do, anyone I know or has met me is welcome to come to my house to start celebrating early.

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2004 7:54 pm
by The A.V.ologist
Kenny, you might be able to get the code for the ticket that was sent to you and therefore give them that at the door.

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 12:16 pm
by lew
oooooooooooooooh wee!
fuck what a messy night,but hell it was worth it.Even getting back to norwich and working from 12 until 10 was fun...........
Altogether a very good new years, even though it felt like a fucking good party forgetting for most of the night that it was even a new year celebration.
:dude: :dude: :dude: :dude: :dude: :dude: :dude: :explode:

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 12:52 pm
by james
Fantastic night.
Big up to the baselogic guys for warming up the dancefloor before the 12 o'clock mark. The The 'Skull' Hull played some solid tracks and as usual I really enjoyed Ed's live stuff. [Can't wait to hold that vinyl.]

I was very pleased to see Squarepusher take control just before 12 and I was maxing out in true New Years Eve style around the 12 o'clock mark. Great set! The whole raffle ticket-drink thing took a while to get to grips with, but as it meant that we could actually 'buy' / win alcohol I was more than happy to comply. I got lost on some stairs of doom for a while and when the morning came around found I was covered in the strangest black dirt.

Big thanks to all those that made the night possible, I know a lot of work goes into these things.

Definitely a New Years to remember, when's the next big 'ole mash up?

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 2:32 pm
by The A.V.ologist
That was definately a crazy Night. There was absolutely no trouble and in true party fashion everyone was in New Year's messy mode.

The highlight for me had to be Squarepusher's established live Bass guitar section in his DJ set. The spanish VJs were also quality and respect goes out to the visuals in the second room.

I met some cool and interesting people, including a pair of particle physicists! Norwich was also represented in force, with at least 30-40 heads rinsing their weasels in South East London.

Did anyone see those Nuns. I'm sure I saw others in fancy dress, does anyone remember any other people at the party wearing ann crazy costume?

Overall a classic night, shame I can't remember more.....

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 6:40 pm
Cheers UK!

It's Pixelpasta, the vj's from the awesome party! Cheers for the kind words on our behalve, but the whole party was frikkin' great! Absolutely great atmosphere, great people and awesome music. Our highlights were def. Squarepusher and Radioactive Man (truly fine set of mishmashes). Guess this was THE party to be at in London last friday : )

Cheers to all, we hope to be in the city soon again!

John Patrick & Bart


Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 9:39 pm
by MikeTheBarber
I've gotta agree that it was a damn good time, altho I do have a bit of a blank in my memory about half way through the night but i'm sure that just means i was having a good time.

All in all it was a mighty fun night but I was a little disappointed at the end (most probally down to NYE always being hyped so much you think its gonna be the best night of your life) Squarepushers set was truely amazing and the hightlight of the night, it was good to see people really going for it then but I found at later points the atmosphere seemed a little dampened. I sadly missed radioactive mans set which was a bit of a bummer....prolly due to being so out of it at some points

Wasnt too impressed by the offer for an extra £10 for the 7am onwards after party as it doesn't really adhere to the "less of a club, more of a party" moto but by that time my brain needed a rest anyway

Those visuals in the haywire room were brilliant, so thumbs up for those mr pixel

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 8:54 pm
by mute
MikeTheBarber wrote:I've gotta agree that it was a damn good time
^Ditto, that was such a fun night! Just perfect way to spend new year really.

Better get back to making my time machine so I can do it all again. hehe

Good work guys!

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2005 12:02 pm
by james
The A.V.ologist wrote:Did anyone see those Nuns. I'm sure I saw others in fancy dress, does anyone remember any other people at the party wearing ann crazy costume?
Ahaha, I thought that was just part of my trip.
PIXELPASTA wrote:Cheers to all, we hope to be in the city soon again!

Hey guys, thanks for coming to leave a message. The night was wild and your visuals were really top notch. Do you guys often do visual stuff in the UK?

Mike, I heard about the after-party going down but I didn't know it was chargeable. Did you guys try out the sorta "VIP" room with the little mini set up and all the pimpin' red velvety furniture? I remember we tried to go in there fairly early on in the night, but it wasn't to be opened until 3am, (at which point I had completely forgotten about it's existence). Ah well, the urine soaked blackened steps served their purpose. :crazy: