I ALMOST stopped dancing as the vision of lovelyness stood before me, nursing a cocktail and gently swaying from side to side as she watched KD.
I mean, i nearly lost it !!!...and that takes some doing, believe me!
There she stood, a beautiful sight, all in white, with bleached white hair in long curls, white boots.......i was so stunned I couldn't bare the thought of actualy saying something to her and possibly making myself look a proper dickhead by tellin her I loved her and just proposing to her on the spot !!!!
Then she was gone.
I didn't see her again all weekend.
I feel I made the biggest boo boo of my life by not introducing myself to her, whatever might've happened after that. My messed up brain was tellin me the universe had engineered this precise moment for me to meet my future wife....and I was TOO STUNNED to take action !
it realy is the only downer of the whole BLOC while actualy being a nice little cosmic tease!

Does anyone know who I mean ?
Is she on anyones photo's ?
Just WHO was that girl ?!
(sorry if she's someones mrs, that would make you one lucky motherfucker !!!)