Bloc has outgrown the Butlin's resort in Minehead, and after our euphoric fifth birthday celebration in March this year, is moving venues for 2012.
In these five years, you'll have come to learn what Bloc is.
It's a platform for the finest sounds your minds can comprehend, it's a maelstrom of sound and light so awe-inspiring it's often mistaken for the second coming and most importantly it is a forum for thousands upon thousands of big-hearted, open-minded Bloc family to make friends over and over again until the sun rises on Monday morning.
The holiday resorts that have played host to Bloc since 2007 are always in small seaside towns. The spectacular support Bloc has received over these five sold out years has always placed a huge strain on the local infrastructure. Minehead could simply no longer handle so many visitors having such a good time at such a high octane, high volume event over a single weekend.
As a result, it is no longer possible for the good people at Butlinʼs to accommodate us all, so Bloc is bringing forward plans for expansion into new, brighter territory.
Bloc is re-booting for 2012. The festival will be held later in the year, at a brand new venue that can house the state-of-the-art production and hi-fidelity vibes our Bloc family deserves. We can't wait to let you in on the details of Bloc's new home. As soon as we've got clearance to, we'll release this crucial info to the Bloc network.
Until then, thank you for your love and support these past five years of holiday park mayhem. We're already looking forward to stepping towards the light of the new Bloc epoch hand in hand with you, the Bloc family who made it possible.