BLOC security

General chat about the BLOC Weekend.

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Post by talder »

Me and my friends got sent home on sunday afternoon... whoops. guess that was a FAIL. We found a very nice b&b tho.
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Post by solarpoweredboy »

good work, at least it wasnt Saturday
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Post by tinpot_creos »


I thought the security presence was only slighty more than I was expecting. I am guessing they had a lot of security because they haven't held a Bloc event there before and if it went off relatively trouble free then there might be less security next year. Lack of Police presence is probably due to the Police trusting the Butlins Security arrangements.
I saw no searches upon entry to the site at about three pm on Friday and didn't appear to be hassling anyone relaxing in there waiting for the room locks to open at four. I thought all bags were being searched at least at the entrance to big marque, I didn't have a bag, just put my water in my pocket and never got searched.
I missed a few things I'd liked to have seen because of Butlins messing up the Queueing, did they change the capacity for the rooms at random times during the night as I'd definately seen the main room busier than when it had a giant queue outside
If one person is carrying drugs for 17 people then I can't see them being able to wriggle out of some kind of intent to supply charge
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Post by vixy_pixy »

i thought the security presence was generally to visually present, bit of a buzz kill, however, the stewards where very friendly and for the most part i thought that the security company brought in (ie, NOT butlins security ) where mostly respectful and reasonable. if youre polite to them you usualy get treated well.

the best thing i saw from one of them was when this bloke we where randomly sat next to on a bench was in a horribly deep k hole, instead of searching him or being harsh they just dealt with him rather sensitively and carried him away to welfare in a non threatening manner..
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Post by tinpot_creos »

I saw security deal with a guy on the sofas, I think he was trying to have a kip and was pretty much told if was asleep when they came back he'd be removed.
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Post by Obel »

daggs wrote:
rolo wrote:
I heard of a group of 17 people who got searched as they came onto the butlins site, the security found weed on one of them and confiscated all 17 of the tickets so they all had to go home!
That is just ridiculous. Can they really do that?
It was meant to be the guys stag party aswell aparently, poor bloke! I would have thought they'd just confiscate the weed!?
You think that's bad? His car was stolen on the way to Bloc. Also his favourite goldfish died that morning. Is house was repossessed and when his shed caught fire he lost his pokemon card collection! All of it happened that day. God the security are arseholes.

Seriously, though. I had no problems with security, wasn't searched once. Which was a shame because I had tonnes of heroin and crack cocaine I was giving out to people for free inside the venues! Just kidding.

My friend got searched a lot, because he "looked like a typical hoodie" which was fucking hilarious considering his personality is exactly the opposite of a "typical hoodie" whatever that is.

Security were alright though. The only annoyance is when they start shining torches at people... I'm sure they have a good reason to, but it just grinds my gears.

Oh and the fat fuck standing in front of me eyeballing everyone when Devine was on... He was a bit annoying. No need for scare tactics.
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Post by 103 »

i think security was relaxed. Bummer bout that group thrown out. Not necessary. my half full semi liter of coke was sniffed once by a sec. person for alcohol. But i want my coke cold and not watered down with alcohol.
kali-ma! kali-ma!
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Post by kali-ma! kali-ma! »

I feel I do have to add to this. The over-presence of macho security INSIDE the venues was horrible at times, making you feel like the subject of surveillance may be common in the UK but that does not make for a good festival experience.

Neither does missing out on favorite artists because of cues that I'm certain could have been avoided.

Neither does being pushed up against a wall by three guards for having rolling tobacco on you. The security guard looked well DISAPPOINTED when he couldn't find anything on me!

I see the need for security and am polite and non-threatening, I would say.. Being felt up for knives and bottles is fine- in fact it's great. However, having my wallet gone through in great detail (along with all other personal stuff) ON NUMEROUS OCCASIONS DOES NOT FUCKING COMPUTE!

EDIT: Hmmm.... decided to edit a bit of the rant. Strange how many said security was better this year- as I thought it was fine last year, save the check-in. Still, I heard a lot of grumbling from quite a few people so I don't think it was just bad luck on my part. Bad luck for the guards perhaps- as I don't walk around with dope on me... ;)
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