If you ring 01643 703331 and ask to speak to lost property anything that has been found/handed in is logged there and they will send it to you if they have it
If you ring 01643 703331 and ask to speak to lost property anything that has been found/handed in is logged there and they will send it to you if they have it
friend of mine also lost his phone sundaynight ... dialed the number and luckily somebody answered, tried to find this guy (who sounded very wasted) but after a few rings he turned it off
since he doesn't have the pincode, there's no way he can find who the phone belongs to now
if this sounds familiar to you, please send me a pm
i lost a camera... digital has white paint on it..on the bloody sunday!
Has photos of a boy getting into the cupboard under the sink and successfully doing so. ooooh how id like to see that again!
& pictures of artwork. If you find it id really like it back.. even just for the memory card.