Following touchy-feely HR appraisal rules, the negatives first:
- FSOL. They must have been laughing all the way to the bank. They can't have had any visual feedback, because a room of people stood still should have told them to stop playing beatless music and give us something to dance to. Lowlight of the weekend.
- Visuals (screens, not lasers). Nowhere near as good as last year.
- The lack of live instruments compared with last year. Red Snapper / Dead Silence provided a nice easing in to the electronics.
- The number of food poisoning stories I'm hearing. I won't be eating any Butlins food next year!
But the positives...oh my.
+ The DJ before Afrika Bambaataa. Who was he? George Hull is the best guess I've heard yet. Stunning set.
+ Altern8. Mark Archer proves that 90-92 provided some of the best dance music of all time. Tight, fast mixes.
+ AGT Rave Cru. Party party party. Shame the sound was muffed up. Was it really those twats from the next act? Nice to see the payback of the packed dancefloor clearing
+ Carl Craig and Green Velvet reigniting my love of techno.
+ Dynamix II (or I as it now seems). Love those beats!
+ Rob da Bank. Totally surprised by his set, and very glad to have been dragged down there when we were all being beard-stroking idiots and claiming he would be too commercial.
+ Lasers in the Centre:Bloc. Beautiful and used to the perfect extent I thought.
+ Beardyman for making a song based on calling the soundman a c*nt.
+ The Cliche set with the dress-up dancers etc. Lively stuff that kept me awake at 4am!
+ THE CROWD! I was worried that the jump to 5000 peeps would bring in more idiots. Not the case. Bloc crowd still rules with way-out happiness.
+ The venue. Comedown Bowling highly recommended. Chalets were far nicer than last year. Security seemed to be doing enough but not too much...
Bring on 2010!