manchester >> minehead.

General chat about the BLOC Weekend.

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Post by misspottymouth »

haha. if we are drinking i vote we keep the loo.

sounds good though, im impressed
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Post by LiveDream »

Well if it can save us money surely we don't need a loo - theres plenty of service stations to stop at - unless you might need to toilet on the way back for vomit reasons haha
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Post by misspottymouth »


right ...i'll have to wee on the floor then.
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Post by LiveDream »

No probs lois - we'll just get you a SheWee ( and a 2ltr bottle obv!

Problem solved :lol:
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Any more space?!?!

Post by Grimcrack »


Just saw your thread after begrudgingly adding up costs of travel and was wondering if there would be any more space for one (or maybe two) more on your coach from manchester? I'll even do a little jig if you can save me the effort of public transport.
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Post by misspottymouth »

when do we reckon we have to book the coach by?
Just so we can book it not too late but to ensure that anyone wishing to travel with us from manchester has the chance to.
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Post by talder »

The quote i've got is for around £850 for 16 ppl. Its just a minibus basically so no toilets or anything like that.

You can't pay cash on arrival either, I imagine this may be fairly standard but it makes things rather awkward if we're organising all this in a forum.
They need the money in their account at least a week before.

How are we for numbers so far again then, because we'll need to get pretty close to 16 to make it worth it. I count for 6. others?
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Post by misspottymouth »

i count for 4.

Do you think the coach company could let us pay seperatly or if one person from each of the groups coming from manchester pays a lump sum?

Im sure they must have some way of dealing with this kind of situation.
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Post by Grimcrack »

Count for 1. maybe 2, will know by tomorrow
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Post by thecolouringbox »


nice one nice one

Well for me there will be between 6 or 8.. just waiting on a reply before the chalets are booked.

6 is a deffinite though.

Depending on the numbers we might be able to get a coach..
Ill have to double check though!
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Post by thecolouringbox »

so how many people are we saying?
As ive just emailed r bullock for a quote and they gave me this..

49 Standard Coach £1,560.00 which is rounded up to £32 per person.

28 Standard Coach £1,100.00 which is rounded up to £40 per person.

This is a return journey aswell...although saying that they seem to have gotten the dates wrong on it so it maybe more.

Pretty good though i think..

Does anyone not think that getting a train to bristol then a bus to minehead be a cheaper option?

Still on it for a bus though..
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Post by teutonic.kaboom »

hi there,

me and my friends are all traveling from manchester.
please can i add five more people to the list?

PM me for names and all that stuff, cheers! x
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Post by julesrules »

right just looked up train fares n off peak return to bristol is £65.30 without rail card n then u got price o bus!

I think bus is wicked idea n is door to door service which is appealing, (well manchester centre to party a la bloc)

i have put together rough numbers n i think 28 person coach is maybe good idea especially if we get few stragglers, check numbers against your name n check i can add up right lol

1 - julesrules
6 - talder
2 - zoe
4 - misspottymouth
1/2 - grimcrack
6/8 - thecolouringbox
5 - teutonic.kaboom

by my reckoning that is min - 25 max - 28!!

realise money could be hassle, but could always try n get main person from each group to meet somewhere convenient at convenient time n collect cash?? also maybe coach company would accept cheques payable to them if we got them to them in good time? all options

thanks for more quotes, better then mine lol dunno which fruit tree coach companies i was lookin at, obviously not a good bargain hunter

p.s if anyone brings a sheewee im may cry with laughter
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Post by thecolouringbox »

reeet, im a deffinitly 8 person.
the r bullock people are quite efficient.. maybe worth emailing them again
with more details of the journey, if we can have a toilet or not, pick up and drop off places etc.
Id totally do it but im mid way a load of work.

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Post by thecolouringbox »

someone suggested this..

ahh sheeewees. you can make one from a cereal box..!
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