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Are you paying over the odds for your drugs?

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 9:24 pm
by The A.V.ologist
A chart like this would be helpful for business - you could buy drugs in the cheapest part of the country and sell them on where people will pay top dollar.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 11:17 am
by mute
Wicked a real life version of dope wars!

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 11:32 am
by james
mute wrote:Wicked a real life version of dope wars!
Haha, shame they've got Ipswich on there, but no Norwich.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 1:10 pm
by MikeTheBarber
This may be compiled by a drugs charity by surveying 40 of the 'frontline' drugs agencies but to me it seems a bit of bollocks. I assume they have compiled thier information by asking users/dealers that use thier agenecies as I cannot see offical agencies going round cities and buying up drugs to see what the cheapest deal is. If they have got the information from other people then its gonna be all wrong - the person might have a mate who give it to them at a cut rate - some of the prices for an ounce or a gram might be when buying in bulk so the price will come down - some of them may be lies (if gained from other people)

Also another thing that makes me doubt how accurate this may be is the fact they state "amphetamine / gram"....Now what exactly does this mean as there is about a hundred different types of amphetamine which are gonna cost very different prices and also be at varying rates of availabilty. Also the "crack / rock".........What exactly constitutes a "rock"? Is it the size of a match head or is it the size of my fist? I never knew it was an offical measurement

Also what made me laugh was acid tabs in torquay for £1.70......Why the fuck would anyone sell them at such a random price as £1.70? You might as well make it £2, If im right about them getting thier figuires from other drug users then this is prolly some guy saying "Oh i once scored a tab of acid for £1.70 at a party once".......Probally because he didnt have any more money............This is my theory anyway.

I do know that drugs are different prices around the Uk's cities, just that some of these figuires just don't seem very right