You are invited to:
No Michelangelos
Date: Friday 12th August 2005
Time: 7pm-9pm
Venue: Warsaw Project Space, 34 George Leigh Street, off Great
Ancoats Street
Entry: Free with this invitation
More information: <>
This event was inspired by the words of Judge Alan Berg sentencing
two Manchester graffiti writers, August 2004.
?People don't want to see this graffiti, whatever you might think. It is
not attractive, it is ugly. You saw yourselves as latter-day
Michelangelos. While you may consider what you do as art, this is not
right, it is vandalism of the worst sort.?
One year on, the two writers have collaborated with UHC to produce
a unique piece of artwork which combines graffiti with renaissance
art. The work created will be on display for one night only, and will be
cut up live and sold in sections by the yard!
All profits raised from this event will go to a new fighting fund for
criminalised Manchester artists, supporting those facing prosecution
and imprisonment. Come and show your support, and maybe walk
away with a piece of original artwork.
The Warsaw Project Space is an artist-run gallery just behind the
Daily Express building in Ancoats. It is not a loft apartment.
Refreshments and entertainment will be provided.
no michelangelo
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- Tramp with a Turntable
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