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Czech tek 05
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 4:14 pm
by georgehull
didn't make it but have heard some very bad things and seen some pretty shocking photos.
our friend yukimura who played in norwich at radioactive man was badly beaten trying to protect a girl from the police, over 200 others were injured and one man killed. all this despite the fact that they had full permission on the land including a written contract
they even brought a fucking tank along to intimidate:
don't know what happened to james, joe etc from norwich who were going along.. anyone heard from norwich crews?
these photos also show some of the violence:
squatjuice: ... 1122883241
There was more violence at protests in Prague following the events, apparently a lot of the czech media is on the side of the people...
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 6:31 pm
by MikeTheBarber
Not really suprising seeing as what happened last year.......I wasn't there last year either but didnt it go on for about 4/5 days only to be stormed by riot police at the end due to the huge ammounts of complaints from local residents?
The second night attack at 22PM was led with extreme brutality.
Police in heavy suits without identifying numbers refused to give
identifying information, information about their command and information
about first aid location.
Police used massive amounts of tear gas and desorientation grenades, in
many cases they threw tear gas granade into a car and did not let people
inside for long time get out, in other cases they broke car windows by
iron bars, threw grenade in and forced people to get out.
All people were beaten up, including teenage girls, which cried in pain.
Witnesses described attack on lone staing girl, who was pulled down by her
hair and kicked on the ground by four policemen.
There were hundreds of injuries, including cuts, bruises, burnings, broken
arms, shock. Many people were in shock still the next day afternoon with
red faces from tear gas.
Police intentionally damaged cars, electronic equipment and other
property. Attack was led with clear intention to cause injuries.
Some of the pics and stories are quite fucking mental, and although this is way too much of a heavy response by the OB you can see why it has happened. This festival has been going on 10+ years and you can imagine how much it pissed off the authorties when 5 or 6 thousand dirty ravers turn up in thier country set up a huge amount of rigs and play dance music non stop with no regard for the local communites for days on end.........It doesnt matter if they've got the land ownder permission, the event is still not lisenced to play music so loudly.

This is a funny pic tho........
I'm not saying that any of this is ok, cos its not, its completely fucked up, just saying I can see why this happened. Just like what happened at the Brains Kan party 2 weeks ago near fakenham........Nothing on this scale at all - but a lot closer to home........About 50 police in full riot gear and shields stormed the party on the sunday afternoon to shut it down......Few people injured including 1 girl knocked out, and they also had the same tactic as these czech police as they covered up thier numbers so they cant be idientified.....Its like theyre a fucking mob........It happened again last year the BrainsKan party at the airport industrial estate with tear gas and the full works, all cos BK are too stubborn to co-opperate with the police in anyway, which on one hand is fair enough as they are cunts but on the other hand if you do co-opperate then this shite aint gonna happen.......
heres a few pics from the BK party a few weeks back near fakenham....

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 9:02 pm
by georgehull
is that brainskan party in the little dell near south creake?
Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 9:45 am
by Jez
even ellesdens spade couldnt break one of those helmets!
Re: Czech tek 05
Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 12:39 pm
by james
georgehull wrote:
don't know what happened to james, joe etc from norwich who were going along.. anyone heard from norwich crews?
Judge Dredd anyone?!
Haven't heard anything from the Norwich representation, let's hope they didn't get too caught up in the midst of it.
It is nuts though, the grenade thing and beating of girls is completely ridiculous, all for a bit of music.
Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 12:44 pm
by lew
Heard from a couple of peeps, nothing too bad just stinging eyes from tear gas,
it sucks though, how over the top are those stormtrooper geezers? sheesh
Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 12:45 pm
by setwin
"Policie" that sounds like, sort of police to me. i don't trust them
Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 12:48 pm
by james
A "poli - cie" to wreak havoc it looks like.
Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 11:50 am
by georgehull
MikeTheBarber wrote:Not really suprising seeing as what happened last year.......I wasn't there last year either but didnt it go on for about 4/5 days only to be stormed by riot police at the end due to the huge ammounts of complaints from local residents?
Some of the pics and stories are quite fucking mental, and although this is way too much of a heavy response by the OB you can see why it has happened. This festival has been going on 10+ years and you can imagine how much it pissed off the authorties when 5 or 6 thousand dirty ravers turn up in thier country set up a huge amount of rigs and play dance music non stop with no regard for the local communites for days on end.........It doesnt matter if they've got the land ownder permission, the event is still not lisenced to play music so loudly.
I'm not saying that any of this is ok, cos its not, its completely fucked up, just saying I can see why this happened. Just like what happened at the Brains Kan party 2 weeks ago near fakenham........Nothing on this scale at all - but a lot closer to home........About 50 police in full riot gear and shields stormed the party on the sunday afternoon to shut it down......Few people injured including 1 girl knocked out, and they also had the same tactic as these czech police as they covered up thier numbers so they cant be idientified.....Its like theyre a fucking mob........It happened again last year the BrainsKan party at the airport industrial estate with tear gas and the full works, all cos BK are too stubborn to co-opperate with the police in anyway, which on one hand is fair enough as they are cunts but on the other hand if you do co-opperate then this shite aint gonna happen.......
OK. fair enough, it pisses off the authorities and probably unnerves the older czech population. Lots of people travel to their country to conduct seeminglgy antisocial behaviour. However, I still see this as a massive civil liberties issue - essentially this is an event being run by Czech people, in their own country, on their own peaceful terms.
There is a lot more wilderness in Eastern Europe than in England, raves like this really are held in the middle of fucking nowhere. Likewise, they do not have alcohol licening laws which as as stringent as those in the UK - assuming the contract for the land was valid, the event was completely legal. Supposing the organisers ensure that the land is restored to its natural state and ultimately the cezech economy benefits from the influx of young tourists from different countries, I cannot see any sort of a problem which is worth addressing with a quasi-army.
A section of the population have decided they don't like this activity, instead of entering into negotiations with the other section of their population they have licensed the police to deal with it in an unnecessarily violent manner. This is why it's so worrying --- they have literally decided to maim and kill THEIR OWN PEOPLE who are not breking the law because they simply do not like the way they are acting. This is how civil wars start - the former Yugoslavia is just round the corner from Czech, much of the fighting was catalysed by police brutality against people from different sections of the community.
You've got to remember what it is the police are fighting against -- its not thousands of brawling football hooligans, rioting neo nazis or gangs looting a city. It's young men and women, legally standing, sitting and dancing in a field.
So, I hear what you're saying but I CANNOT understand how a peaceful event of this nature has been greeted with such an aggressive response.
I'm not surprised the norfolk constabulary have taken a dislike to the brainskan mob, I am surprised they haven't all been locked up. I get the impression that they have less consideration for other sections of the community than the organisers of czech tek! But again, a response of this nature cannot be warranted under any circumstances.
This is why moves are being made to take the Czech police to the European Courts.
Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 2:44 pm
by MikeTheBarber
Well no matter where it was and how far away it was from any nearby settlements, I know for a fact that last years czechtek has hundreds of complaints to the police from local residents who were unable to get a decent nights sleep if any for days on end. This is why the czech police stormed it last year and they obviously were not going to tolerate it this year.....But you're right that whatever the reason for doing it there is no way a bunch of peaceful people should be treated like this (Although you can bet on it that there was quite a few people willing to stir shit up and fight back in the name of anarchy)
And yea that brainskan party is at that little dell bit you mentioned. You're right tho, norfolk police have got some real hate for the BK crew just for the simple fact that they never compromise and push thier parties to the very limit and basically give the police a big 'fuck you' in thier face where as most other rigs would compromise a time to shut down by or something if there was a rising police presence........Still the same situation tho, nothing like this constitutes riot police attacking people.....especially not girls and young'uns - I've been to quite a few BK parties and there is always quite a lot of young kids in attendance as around 15/16/17......If under 16s got beat down the police would be in the shit
Its shocking that the police can act like this in england and in norfolk (granted its not as bad as in czech but you expect them to be less law abiding

) it makes me sick the fact they've covered thier numbers up on several occasions......They might as well not be wearing a uniform and just be some random militia
Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 2:48 pm
by bensonbenson
gosh i think it all looks really exciting!!!
one time when i was at a squat party i was about to pull a pretty girl but just at that moment the police burst in and CS gassed everyone. i pushed her away and legged it out of a window - it's every man for himself in those type of situations and i didn't get where I am today by not knowing when it's time to look after no. 1 baby - but i've always wondered what happened to her.
Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 3:21 pm
by bensonbenson
actually seeing all those pictures reminded me of my nan's 73rd birthday
this picture was taken at about 4 in the afternoon on the monday after the party started on saturday night. it's just out of shot but there's a 24k deathkore rig in the corner. All the old folks, my nan & aunties & all the old whippersnappers they were all shacked up with in the home squatted a local primary school.
by this point they were all off their fuckin heads, it was well sketchy man the k had been and gone and they were all just huffing on speedpipes to keep themselves alert. The police had been promising a raid by loudhailer if they didn't turn the hardtek rig off and all the local kids were outside crying because it was the week they all had their harvest festival and they couldn't use their school.
my nan didn't give a fuck though. eventually the five-oh just choppered in a pack of specially trained dogs with shit smeared on their teeth
all the old techno biddies were gutted, it was the end of an era for them really. It's hard for them all to arrange lifts with younger family members to all get together like that. The police never think about stuff like that, do they?
Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 10:01 pm
by *The Daisies*
hey hey, saw Yukimura last saturday in Cross after Czechtek demo in Letna he really was beaten up properly, one friend lost a vision from his was a bit of a massacre. It has caused a massive political debate in the country, there are lots of sides to the whole thing ofcourse, but this was a bit too much. Nobody has any answers, so I think it is going to be going on for a very long time. The czech papers are full of this every day. take care guys! and hi from wet Helsinki!
- Sonja