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Does nobody have anything interesting to say?

Posted: Sat May 07, 2005 7:43 pm
by Danny Rude
It's been a week since i came last, and still there is no interesting lines of thought. Perhaps i sould look elsewhere for enlightenment. Is this boring you,,, sorry. Don't read anymore of my post you might be offended by the content.

Here is an interesting piece of information.

People often have their arm amputated, due to horrific injury, and in the past gangreene allthough this is not so common anymore. Fact is that poeple often still feel their arm as if it were still there. Like when you close you eyes and know the postion of your arm. But whats more they can still feel with their arm, they get sensation like a scrunching of the fist really tightly, this then really hurt them, even thought the fist (and even nerves feeding the brain) do not exist. One man had his are amputated and it was sent to a surgeons to be cut up and examined, but it was not used, instead the burried it. The man (totally 'armless, well almost-) complained of nipping and biting sensations in his phantom arm (although it did not exist) well they excavated his arm and discovered this sensation he was felling was maggots eating it, they incinerated it and to this day he has not complained of this biting sensation in his phantom arm (although he still feels his arm presence and avoids bumping into things with it, although this would obviously not matter as it does not exist).

True story

Phantom skin.

Posted: Sun May 08, 2005 3:04 pm
by lookey
Anyone here circumsized?
I am sure there are stories like this of phantom foreskins.