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Bounced out of the Waterfront

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 10:21 am
by matthew slow
do we know about this story from yesterday's Evening News? It's a longish c&p but Bounce reckon that the Waterfront have cancelled their monthly DnB night due to it being too popular... What is it with Naarch venues??

A team of young music entrepreneurs has had the plug pulled on their monthly club night because the bosses at the Waterfront claim it is too popular.

Bounce Records, set up by three friends two years ago, now face having to stage it outside their home city.

The event, also called Bounce, has won an enthusiastic following among fans of drum-and-bass music, and now attracts crowds of more than 700.

The organisers had a contract to stage it every month until the end of the year, but have now been told they are no longer welcome at the Waterfront in King Street.

Kerry Negus, who runs the Bounce record shop in Bridewell Alley, said: "It's a real shame. We have put up a fight to try to get them to change their minds but it's not happening.

"It seems like they just don't want to be bothered with dealing with the bigger crowds we are now getting.

"They also seem to be worried about trouble, despite the fact we have never had any. They have had some problems with other events and seem to think because ours is a big crowd it is going to get aggressive.

"We get a very diverse crowd, including a lot of people older than their normal events."

Mr Negus said the Waterfront was the only suitable independent venue and they had little chance of persuade the large commercial nightclubs to let them in.

"We are working on plans to take it to Brighton and possibly London, but it's a shame that we are being forced out of our home city," he added.

Bounce was set up by Mr Negus and his two friends Jemma Bursnett and Steven Amiss to provide a platform of young people with talent.

As well a music promotion and the record shop, they offer a platform of young local artists to sell their work and are in the process of setting up a record label.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 10:29 am
by setwin

when i put on nights at the junction [the cambridge's answer to the waterfront] they did no promotion for the nights, i had to do all of it [i even phoned the box office once pretending to be a customer and asked what was on that night and they said "nothing is"]. they charged me massive hire charge and gave me no support whats so ever. then when there was a poor turn out told me to sling my hook because they weren't making enough money.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 12:51 pm
by The A.V.ologist
This has made me so angry. I've worked at every Bounce since its beginning nearly a year ago and have found it to be a great night which offers good Dnb rather than just popular DnB.

Why have the Waterfront done this? they really don't offer a very good reason why they have jepordised the future of Norwich's urban music scene. This kind of thing will scare away other big promoters and only shows that Norwich cannot hold large regular music events.

Which CUNT (and I use the word in its correct context) made this decision. I have a feeling it was a group of middle-class yuppie indie-music loving students at the uni who do not appreciate what this night and the music it represents mean to its followers.

This is our life.

I could write an essay on this, but just writing it makes me so angry...

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 8:27 pm
by Sintec
Agreed I have to say this is one of the most ridiculous things to have happened to the Norwich music scene in years. Why do the Waterfront's mangement feel they should cancel what must be one of their best attended nights? I've certainly never seen or heard about any trouble at these nights. My only guess is that they're worried about it turning into another Rumble, which certainly did have a reputation for violence. But this seems totally unjustified, seeing as it hasn't happened yet.

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 3:12 pm
by georgehull
its the burberry baseball caps that do it. drumandbass nights bring in all the rudeboys and they just dont like the hassle

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 11:37 am
by lew
George has a f*cking fair point, but still. . . Come on Norwich,what the hell is going on here.
Is there going to be a decent music scene in norwich in the next year? it doesn't look like it!

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 2:35 pm
by Tramp with a Turntable
Fuck the Waterfront!

I think a mate of mine summed it up best:

"never trust a club where the walls sweat!"

I know their manager is a right 'king bast':

I bet it was him.

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 2:46 pm
by Jonny Megabyte
Yeah, I agree.
I used to work there:
if the manager's name is Paul then yes, he is a real dick.
The guys about 10 years behind in the music scene...

Maybe I'm in the minority here, but do people really want to pay money to hear Green Day, Boogie Down Productions "Sound of tha Police" and Oasis for the millionth time?!?!?

New Dj's please (like me!!!)

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 1:23 am
by robot
i was in the bounce shop before the waterfront made this decision and kerry seemed adement it was open and shut, and so did i. only found out it actually went thru a week ago.


is there any other dnb night in norwich that can act as an alternative in 2 months time?