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Global Consciousness Project

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 5:12 pm
by mute
This hurts my brain. link
We have been collecting data from a global network of random event generators since August, 1998. The network has grown to about 65 host sites around the world running custom software that reads the output of physical random number generators and records a 200-bit trial sum once every second, continuously over months and years. The data are transmitted over the internet to a server in Princeton, NJ, USA, where they are archived for later analysis.
Take a look at the Predictions Page here. It could tell that something was going to happen on September 11th and also the recent tsunami in the Indian ocean.

Also some guy took the raw data and made music from it, haven't listened to it yet. link
bound to be crazy though :D

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 6:51 pm
by Kenny

Its bullshit, like the Bible code, its all about how the data is interpreted, you can find anything you want in random data if you look hard enough.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 11:35 am
by willy the piss
chris and i predicted 9/11 on 8/11, there were some subtle differences but the main gist was the same

i also predict that we had two world wars, want to hear that music, i envisage something like girltalk