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(LDN) 16/4/11 Pi Presents: MIS, Japanese Tsunami Appeal

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 8:01 pm
by pi
It has already been a staggering 3 months since the last Pi “why so long??” I hear you cry. Well you won’t have to wait much longer for your fix of eclectic sounds ….

…. Saturday 16th April 2011 see's the next instalment of Pi presents and it promises to be one of the best yet.

With the tragic events that have taken place in Japan, The Pi collective have decided to raise money for the Japan Tsunami Appeal.

This is a free event and we will not be charging on the door, however we are asking for a suggested donation of £3 or more to go to the red cross. We are not taking a penny from these donations and ALL monies will be donated directly to the red cross.

Taking place at the basement venue as last time, the Star of Kings in Kings Cross, London, we have a great line up as usual strategised by the discerning team that is Pi:

Rogue State
Matamatiks and Beaton

And not forgetting our Pi resident Dexterous D



Please come down and help us raise lots of money for the Japanese appeal.