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MoD tests on norwich

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 7:27 pm
by MikeTheBarber
This was a Ministry of defence test carried out on the city of Norwich on January 13th, February 10th, March 16th and April 14th 1964.
Not actually sure how serious this is, some of the first ones are a bit of scientific gobeldygook and i dont think they are directly related to the norwich experiments but it makes for some interesting reading and I wonder how many people actually know about this. I doubt we're in too much danger as you dont actually see too many deformed people in norwich ( :!: )

Nice to know the police not only knew about this at the time but they were helping to record the data as well!

These were top secret until recently i think, supposedly declasified in 2000, there is still some sussed bits like under "Warnings and preperations" it goes on to say if the weather forecast is favourable he shall inform ______BLANKED SPACE_________ and the city police.

from the review.....
"FP is curious in that there is so little data on its toxicity and more interestingly, no ealier concern about any hazard to the general public from its airbourne dissemination. This report is not concerned primarily with any hazard and it is probally sufficient to record a few brief manifestations of toxicity testing together with other references."

-that almost sounds like they were expecting it to have an effect on the people of norwich? And whats more that thier primary concern was for the data of the experiment not the welfare of the public?......thats how im seeing it anyway

The toxicity reports are interesting as well, showing results from tests on animals (dogs & rats)...not having much effect in small doses given orally but they dont have any data on when it is inhaled but suggesting as the particles used were so small they could be inhaled and deposited in the lungs but due to the lack of solublilty it would not disolve into the blood stream.
"No information is available on the potentional toxicity of the particles in the lung."
I havnt read much about the chemical, but suposedly due to it being an ultra highly fine chemical dust i can cause lung damage and cancer

It does report that due to the large space it was spread over that no harm could of come to any member of the public......- FP aerosol experiment "may be run hundreds of times over the same populated area without subjecting any of the inhabitants to more than 1 millionth of the proven safe dosage, and the potentially toxic effects on any surface deposition of FP materiial produced by experimental operations are nil."

Just a bit dodgy due to the fact that nobody knew about it, and although it doesnt seem too dangerous in small doses they never experimented with it fully and they never had any data on inhaling it and the long term effects of it (it could give you cancer in 30 years time?). To be honest altho it sounds a bit dodgy i doubt it is anything serious or dangerous, but you never know.......But we dont have to worry as we werent around then anyway! Woohooo

PS if you want to quote anything you have to type it all out as its in geigh

heres the link.....

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 7:42 pm
by MikeTheBarber
PS if you cant be bothered to read all the reports......Its all about the MoD dropping a load of this chemical ZnCdS (Zinc Cadium Sulphide FP) to see how the aerosolic cloud behaves in built up areas due to the temperature from buildings etc.. and the weather compared to open countryside

I've only read report no.610, no. 2 64, and the internal review so far.....and a bit of the first one but i think the first few listed are to do with experiments on the subject before they tested on norwich (bit of background reading if you like :) )

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2004 7:58 pm
by MikeTheBarber
Theres also another good article on that website about the use of CS spray and how over the top the police went at that brains kan party in the summer, and a full log of media coverage and this guys complaint to the independent police complaints commission, and thier final report on how theyve found themselves completely innocent of any wrong doing or execesive force and a whole load of other bollocks........Bloody pigs :gunfirej:

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 11:15 am
by james
Woah, that's pretty interesting stuff. I'll have to read the pdf in more detail.

It was crazy about the use of CS gas at that party though.
The cops said:
"The decision had been taken in the face of bottles being thrown at officers and "severe aggression" from 100 or so revellers, and because it was considered one of the only options available to officers to ensure their safety"
I reckon it was more like some wasted guy dropped his bottle of water whilst insulting a cop so they sprayed him with CS. Can you really imagine 100 people in Norwich rioting at a party whilst dancing and enjoying themselves?