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driving from south london , best route???
Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:38 pm
by MiniMarc
Just been looking at the map with me dad and seems theres 2 options , neither ideal. We'll be setting off from brixton about 7.30pm thursday.
OPtion 1) A3 out of london on to m25 then on to M3 and off on to the A303 most of the way. This is most direct route but my dad reckons a303 isnt a very fast road??
Option2) Get on to the M4 to Bristol then M5 south and round to minehead. Longer in miles but motorways most of the way
Anyone else doing the same or have experience doing the drive? Thank god its not me driving!
Re: driving from south london , best route???
Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:52 pm
by ogriff
M4, then M5, then A roads is by far the quicker route - the only bottleneck is the M5 interchange near Bristol. Other than that it's normally a breeze. You can do it in about 3 hours without a stop going that way, traffic allowing. The bit at the end once you're off the motorway always takes longer than expected.
For the turn-off for Butlins, there's a big tesco, and just round the corner from THAT a massive brand new Morrisons as well for all your cheapo essentials.
Re: driving from south london , best route???
Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:54 pm
by snix
if i was you (or the driver) I'd drive over Wandsworth Bridge road, aim for the A4 at Hammersmith and just follow the M4 as you say
Re: driving from south london , best route???
Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 4:12 pm
by messsingh
I'm driving from Crawley and taking M23 > M25 > M3 > A303.
The A303 is a very long road which constantly changes speed limited and from single to dual carriageway but I still prefer the drive.
We will be on it at around 8pm so I am hoping there shouldn't be too many slow moving vechiles. If that is the case it is a great road to drive on and probably is just as good as taking the motorway.
However I must stress there are speed camera in certain locations so watch out!
Re: driving from south london , best route???
Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 4:34 pm
by DannyBee
I've been driving west for work over the last few weeks and would deffinately say to do the M4 route!
Re: driving from south london , best route???
Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 4:40 pm
by Goon Tpr
Defo M4/M5 route, even though the sound of the A303 sounds like fun
it can be quite shit in places!!
I would head to the Embankment as soon as and follow it out to the M4.........
Don't forget you towel....
Re: driving from south london , best route???
Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 4:49 pm
by Kinder - gives you the best route of time of day / day of week