Looking for a willing stripper within the festival!
Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 3:20 pm
Hello there,
My friends and I are attending Bloc as part of my best friends Stag celebration. I am the best man and am therefore charged with organising entertainment and general harassment of the groom. One of the things I have tried to organise is for a stripogram to come to our chalet (dressed as a festival steward) and surprise the groom. Bloc were fine with this, but Butlins apparently have a 'policy against it'....prudes.
This then, dear friends, is my plan B. If I can't take a stripper in with me, then I shall endeavour to find one already in the festival! So my question is...
are you a stripper? are any of your friends a stripper? have you ever thought about getting into the stripping industry but not sure where to start? are you simply looking for extra spending money for the festival? If you answered YES to any of these then this proposition is for you! My associates and I are offering £50 to do 10 mins work...
*DISCLAIMER* I know the word 'stag' has horrible connotations, but we are definitely not rugby-boy-typical-lads. In fact I would say we are more nerds who wish to embaress a fellow nerd. Also, a chaperone is of course welcome.
My friends and I are attending Bloc as part of my best friends Stag celebration. I am the best man and am therefore charged with organising entertainment and general harassment of the groom. One of the things I have tried to organise is for a stripogram to come to our chalet (dressed as a festival steward) and surprise the groom. Bloc were fine with this, but Butlins apparently have a 'policy against it'....prudes.
This then, dear friends, is my plan B. If I can't take a stripper in with me, then I shall endeavour to find one already in the festival! So my question is...
are you a stripper? are any of your friends a stripper? have you ever thought about getting into the stripping industry but not sure where to start? are you simply looking for extra spending money for the festival? If you answered YES to any of these then this proposition is for you! My associates and I are offering £50 to do 10 mins work...
*DISCLAIMER* I know the word 'stag' has horrible connotations, but we are definitely not rugby-boy-typical-lads. In fact I would say we are more nerds who wish to embaress a fellow nerd. Also, a chaperone is of course welcome.