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The Soundsystems

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 7:18 pm
by barrance
First off im sorry if this sounds like a bit of a passive aggresive whinge, I really dont mean it as one, but what was the issue with the sound levels at bloc 2010? Every stage seemed really quiet. I know funktion 1 rigs are designed such that means you can hear people talking etc. a bit more, but I couldn't stop being aware of people talking around me. Maybe I just wasn't battered enough. Either way, I found it hard to get absorbed by the music when I could hear people talking through it so clearly.

I have read a couple of times in here that there might have been some problems with the soundsystems at the last bloc, and would love to know if this was the case, or if the levels were kept as they were intentionally due to sound complaints etc. or just to allow people to talk a bit easier?

I just realised this doesn't really seem like a 2011 topic, but for me it has alot to do with if i'll go to this years bloc. The sound itself is at least as important as the line up for me, and id love to hear that we can bank on the rigs being a bit punchier this year!

...oh, and 2010 was still fucking amazing by the way!

Re: The Soundsystems

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 5:02 pm
by Ionkontrol
The rigs were far too quite last year. Poor show.
It's not as if they have any neighbours nearby.

Turn it up next time.

Re: The Soundsystems

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 8:10 am
by Stussy73
I agree completely - 2010 was very unimpressive where the sound was concerned. It probably seems worse after 2008 and 2009 being so brilliant. Both Tec and Bass Bloc at Hemsby 08 and the Red:Bloc at Minehead 09 were AWESOMELY loud and clear. Main room in 09 was also far better than this year, although everything seemed odd in the main room in 2010.

Please Bloc guys, don't ignore this - we want a return to the original sound levels. Pretty please?

The visuals seemed a little underwhelming in 2009 also. Again, probably because they have been so frickin' impressive before... more lasers, more strobes and more smoke please!

Re: The Soundsystems

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 2:21 pm
by DannyBee
I have to agree!

The sound and lightshows make Bloc such a polished production to widen the eyes and tickle the ear trumpets. Last year seemed to miss the spot somehow.

I did however feel 2009 was spot on so please bring it back to that level :)

Re: The Soundsystems

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 2:25 pm
ya it was wierd to be able to hear a converstaion without shouting over the techno, pump those tunes out for 2011!!!

Re: The Soundsystems

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 2:46 pm
by BLOCwknd
all duly noted guys.

we want to get it cranked up as much as you do - like all festivals we just have to work closely with the council & local residents & noise control people.

We're actually revolutionising our plan for sound & noise in 2011 so you're all going to be rather pleasantly blown away I'm sure... watch this space.

There is no reason whatsoever to use this obscene emoticon, but I can see it at the side of this box and it's just too tempting.


that is all.

Re: The Soundsystems

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 2:52 pm
by BLOCwknd