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best & worst of BLOC 2010?
Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 8:04 pm
by I_Love_Acid
Luke Vibert
Kanji Kinetic
Fenchurch dome was awesome
Overall friendlier crowd than last year

Groundhog day on continuous loop on telly.
Mixmaster Mike
Anti-Pop Consortium
set-time scheduling. loads of clashes.
only Carlsberg on tap. yuck.
sound systems volumes being all over the shop.
lack of chilled acts.
Re: best & worst of BLOC 2010?
Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 9:12 pm
by plate_eyes
Flying Lotus
Skream/Benga (the first part of the set)
Roots Manuva
Mixmaster Mike
Hype arriving late and then being cut short!
Does anyone know what happened with that?
Richard Devine not being on the line-up this year!
Re: best & worst of BLOC 2010?
Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 9:28 pm
by meschi
Model 500 (caught the last three tracks)
Omar S
Alden Tyrell
Channel One Soundsystem
Flying Lotus
Joe Hart
Bass Junkie b2b Dexorcist (this shit was fuckin illness)
Check-out (both smooth as fuck with no hassles)
Seeing tons of people I haven't seen in a while
Not feeling too shit right now considering
mix master mike (I literally ran out the room when smells like teen spirit was played, Mike has got fuck all on Q-Bert and his turntable skills were dreadful considering I was expecting so much (Dreadful!))
Joris Voorn (didnt stay long)
Russell Haswell (caught shit before autechre, he managed to clear that room solid)
Getting so ill on Saturday, I wasn't able to make the Human Sheild guys and hearing that it was a lot of fucking fun.
Fighting a serious whitey on the bus on the way home
spending too much money
not getting a t-shirt... again!
losing my phone on the first night
sound problems in every venue
All in all, my most productive Bloc yet, really took going to see shit seriously, and therefore seem some amazing hit that will stay with me for a long time.
Re: best & worst of BLOC 2010?
Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 9:41 pm
by dj_yt
It was a solid weekend overall, with less musical disappointments than last year for me.
Bass junkie / Dexorcist
Joe Hart
Salt n Pepa (wasn't expecting much, but thought it was a fun performance)
Model 500
Omar S
Jerome Hill playing Hip-Hop in centre bloc
The journey home! PAIN
PS More oldskool rave on the lineup next year please

Re: best & worst of BLOC 2010?
Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 9:47 pm
by Jetfire
I_Love_Acid wrote:best:
Groundhog day on continuous loop on telly.
What!?? This was an on going thing of when we would go back to our rooms to see if there was anything with bill murray on the TV but there never was, ever, when the fuck was he on?
Re: best & worst of BLOC 2010?
Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 10:46 pm
by hello
DJ Rob Hall
Boy Better Know
All the tired, soulless, mechanical, generic sounding dubstep that seemed to clog everything up all weekend. Sorry.
Re: best & worst of BLOC 2010?
Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 9:24 am
by gridban
Channel One Soundsystem
Joris Voorn
Derrick May
Model 500
DMX Crew
Mixmaster Mike
Re: best & worst of BLOC 2010?
Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 10:22 am
by drowninginlyrics
Grandmaster Flash
Salt n Peppa
Roots Manuva
The waterpark

Like what the fuck they weren't even spittin in time to their own beats.
The dancers with Wiley.

Tee hee hee
Finishing at 1am on Sunday
The climbing wall and go kart things being closed
Too many clashes
I thought Hypes set was good but yeah the cutting it early confused me.
All in all though it was an amazing weekend!!!!!
Re: best & worst of BLOC 2010?
Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 10:32 am
by dexorcist
Jerome Hill (Friday night Hip Hop & Funk set)
Ben Pest (sick assed Jacking Techno)
Matt Whitehead (especially the Acid House part of his set)
Joy Orbisson
Seeing lots of old and new faces
Losing loads of stuff in various chalets throughout the weekend
Spending a silly amount of money
Missing No Yeah No, Planetary Assault Systems and Surgeon
Re: best & worst of BLOC 2010?
Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 10:46 am
by antics
luke slater
Adam Beyer
Derrick May
Go Karts
DJ Rush
Re: best & worst of BLOC 2010?
Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 11:58 am
by KidAnarchy23
Flying Lotus
Anti Pop Consortium
Skream & Benga
Grandmaster Flash
Congo Natty finishing early,altough until then i was loving it.
Dj Hype finishing early.
Noise complaint against my chalet.
Getting searched everytime i went to the toilet.
Loosing stuff.
Re: best & worst of BLOC 2010?
Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 12:29 pm
by Tec
DJ Hype was late, hence the early finish I guess
Re: best & worst of BLOC 2010?
Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 12:58 pm
by ya_dancer
Model 500 - getting to see Juan Atkins smile, and mad mike going mental when playing Game One was amazing.
Peter Mangalore - tight as set, some really diverse music played.
Ali Renault - hefty dark electro sound.
Tommy Walker 3 - Funky as fuck.
Casionova - Pure happy Italo. Smiles all round.
Alden Tyrell - He rocked it with his set and it was nice to be amongst such a knowledgeable crowd for that one.
Most stuff after midnight in any venue - its all just soulless bouncy beats for people with chicken suits and glow sticks.
Dj Rush - I thought this might be hilarious but saw 5 mins of him and that was enough.
Derrick May was just rubbish - he's just going through the motions, I don't see how he could find that pleasurable. It was the same with Carl Craig last year and its getting tiring seeing so called detroit legends that are basically playing generic techno for a generic crowd. That said Id still probably see them than most wonky techno or dubstep or artists with names like DJ Mullet.
Overall I had a great weekend, definately better than last year - I should really make more effort to get out and see more music but I think its just about completely turned into the chalet banter experience.
Re: best & worst of BLOC 2010?
Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 1:13 pm
by barmybeetroot
DMX Krew - good to hear some new sounds from Ed, and a great act to follow Model 500. Loved the visuals too!
Kelpe - great to hear something different, that was not only beautiful but had a great beat to dance to.
Flying Lotus
Partying till early hours in Jak Bloc, NoYeahNo, Jerome Hill and the Dexorcist
Spreading the Bloc Vibes
Not having the gaming area and small stage (sky:Bloc) in the pavilion like in 2009 - really missed this space and Ceephax!!!
Missing Alden Tyrell because he was on same time as Ed DMX. Lots of clashes!
Not hearing any Ghetto Tech
Bloc ending at one, to Derrick May, who was a bit bland, not really the bang i would have liked.
Overall another brilliant Bloc, can't wait until next year.

Re: best & worst of BLOC 2010?
Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 1:15 pm
by stubblebrow
Sound c*nts everywhere
A bed at night
BLOC TV - especially the softcore japanese porn

Craic watchin the rugby with sound Irish folk in sun & moon (if you're out there Manus, Puddin, Mick, Eoin, Catriona, etc. get in touch ye buncha gobsh*tes)
Matt Whitehead's acid set - get that stuff release man!
DJ Rush - all about the fun, nice to see a DJ enjoyin himself.
Ableton workshop - opened my eyes to the power of ableton.
Rob Hall - no fannyin about
Mixmaster Mike - the guy works so hard behind the decks, for which reason i think we should all give him respect and his set, again, was a lot of fun. some oul cheesers but you gotta embrace that sh*t every now and again especially when it's presented in such a talented way.
Some lad in a baby suit rolling about the floor during Mixmaster Mike but clearly having the time of his life - legend.
People moaning on the forum just now

Not enough healthy food joints
Being made to queue when venues are nowhere near full
Sound in some arena not being completely on the money
Grandmaster Flash's attitude - I know most would have thought his power trip was tongue in cheek but I saw him in Belfast a few years back and he walked off the stage because people wouldn't do what he said - sh*t craic.
Not enough gabba/breakcore alla wrong music - love that sh*t for the fun of it.
Me - for moaning on the forum just now
All in all though it was awesome. thank you so much baselogic guys for pulling all this together for us. You are the true heroes!