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drug smuggling pigeon

Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 11:17 am
by lawrence

Drug-smuggling pigeon grounded by police

A pigeon trained to courier drugs between Holland and Germany was caught after landing in the wrong place with marijuana attached to its feet.

A German pigeon breeder from Bunderneuland, near the Dutch border, took the bird to the police after it landed at his home.

The drugs packet was attached to the bird's leg. Police are still trying to trace its owner.

A Bunderneuland police spokesman said: "We have heard of isolated incidents of this sort of thing happening before. Fortunately, the amounts concerned are always relatively small."

Posted: Thu May 27, 2004 4:05 pm
by willy the piss
although my ladyfriend is german i have to say they are such a weird country, wouldn't you just take the drugs and send it back for more...?