Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 1:51 pm
Hi guys
Any1 got a spare ticket for the Bloc bus leaviong London on Friday and returning on Monday at 10..........once again my credit card has left me down
If uv got one or know of any1 who has 1 or know what the easiet way to make it to Norwich from London (bear in mind I do know the area- any of it
) Plese let me know so I can get this show on the road
Thanks loads
Any1 got a spare ticket for the Bloc bus leaviong London on Friday and returning on Monday at 10..........once again my credit card has left me down

If uv got one or know of any1 who has 1 or know what the easiet way to make it to Norwich from London (bear in mind I do know the area- any of it

Thanks loads