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About the people @ BLOC

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 1:09 pm
by mutex
Just wanted to share that we were all pleasantly suprised by the friendliness @ BLOC weekend!
If you live abroad like we do (Brussels) you get the impression that the UK nightlife is dominated by arrogant and noisy drunks.. but this scene is so friendly it's amazing! The numbers of times we've been offered a drink, a cigarette, had a little chat, etc.. are countless!! And doorkeepers that keep on saying "Cheers mate" all weekend long ?!?? We were all like 'WTF?'... never seen before over here !!

You are all part of a scene that made an overwhelmingly positive impression on us foreigners!! Respect!

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 2:32 pm
IT is so true mate. We were a group of about 12 maltese and we really enjoyed ourselves. The atmosphere is fucken gr8. THNKS ALOT BLOC STAFF!!!

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 3:14 pm
by Moer
Very pleasant indeed, we were flying in from Holland. I was surprised by the friendlyness off the security, not once they forgot to greet me, in Holland that's very rare. The partpeople were nice, but I expected that from the beginning :D

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 3:52 pm
by Luzian
I think there was a good mix of international people that contributed to the overall friendliness and good atmosphere. Thanks to all the Irish/Dutch/Belgian/French/Spanish/Maltese massive who came over for BLOC and brought some good vibe! :)

And I was also surprised by the friendlyness of the security staff. Always friendly at the doors, even when you could see they were hardly able to stand anymore because they've been working so long... oh and one of them even started dancing and shouted "one more" at 10:45am Sunday, when they were trying to close the SmashBLOC... :lol:

Big up!

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 4:13 pm
by thesvelteone
Lack of coked up twats helped and all.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 4:32 pm
by jamesrdelaney
As an Irish punter I think we should get a discount with ryanair for the amount of us that came over!!! I could have been in tubbercurry co tipperary and met less irish.

so bloc - come to ireland!!

only thing is they've turned our version of pontins into a refugee holding site... not very ravetastic :(

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 5:04 pm
by dublinstep
Yeah seemed like half of Ireland was there. I dont know how many times I talked to random strangers and was really let down when they started talking straight back at me in my own accent.

No "awright mate?", just "howsh she cuttin dere boyo?" etc

I should be working.

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 5:28 pm
by Moer
jamesrdelaney wrote:As an Irish punter I think we should get a discount with ryanair for the amount of us that came over!!! I could have been in tubbercurry co tipperary and met less irish.

so bloc - come to ireland!!

only thing is they've turned our version of pontins into a refugee holding site... not very ravetastic :(

Re: About the people @ BLOC

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 4:20 pm
by Whagwan
If you live abroad like we do (Brussels) you get the impression that the UK nightlife is dominated by arrogant and noisy drunks.. quote]

To be fair, most of it is. We're just the nice lot who have better reasons to go out than a pint, a fight and a fuck, people with a passion for music are nearly always nicer IMO

On the first night seeing the crowd at bloc I knew there wouldn't be any trouble...

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 5:04 pm
by BLOCwknd
i still can't beleive that with 2500 people for 3 days and fuck knows how much booze, security didn't have to deal with a single fight!

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 1:08 pm
by toni101
HI y`all..

As some foreign blocers as me have already said, at the BLOC everyone was so awesome. Friendly, weird and colorful people everywhere, sharin smiles, laughs and thoughts while raving and jumpin`to our most beloved talents in the whole world!!.. this experience in my life opened up my eyes in many ways and see you all 2500 as family! CHEERS

LOVE Y`all mothafuckin BLOCheads and can`t wait to see you next year

Greetings from tiny MALTAaaaaa!!!!!

miss yaaaa!

p.s. if u have some extra money visit our island next week as we`re bringing Cylob for a hardcore shakedown.. you can relax here too ;)

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 6:28 pm
by joehart
BLOCwknd wrote:i still can't beleive that with 2500 people for 3 days and fuck knows how much booze, security didn't have to deal with a single fight!
I almost got into a fight would you believe, yes seriously. Security intervened before shit got real.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 10:09 pm
by maily
thesvelteone wrote:Lack of coked up twats helped and all.
always a winner :]