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[Ammunition] :: Damo :: Combat/Basterdized

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 1:28 am
by Damo
[Ammunition] :: Damo :: Combat/Basterdized


Ammunition is the radio show for London based label Combat Recordings.

This week's Ammunition features a brutal, moody mix of fresh Combat dubplates and dubstep faves from resident dj Damo

The show is hosted as an archived stream at

[click to listen]

01. cursor minor - carnivore (milanese vip) - combat dubplate
02. sileni - twitchy droid leg (vex'd remix) - dubplate
03. vex'd - 3rd choice - planet mu
04. dj distance - fallen - boka
05. pinch - punisher - planet mu
06. dq1 - wear the crown - tectonic
07. search and destroy - candyfloss (loefah remix) - hotflush
08. digital mystikz - earth a run red - dmz
09. loefah - rufage - dmz
10. l-wiz - strength - dub police
11. pinch & p dutty - war dub - tectonic
12. elemental - deep under - hotflush
13. luke envoy - gamma - hotflush
14. scan one - kik it (blackmass plastics vip) - combat dubplate
15. d1 - steam roller - soulja
16. caspa - for the kids - dub police
17. d1 - belong - soulja
18. search and destroy - wavescape (vex'd remix) - pitchblack
19. protocol x - future world - storming productions
20. dj distance - traffic - planet mu
21. drop the lime & mathhead - bricks - adaadat
22. scan one - dubwise - combat dubplate
23. virus syndicate - dead man walking (milanese vip) - planet mu
24. point b - innerself (blackmass vip) - combat dubplate
25. stormfield - haiku (blackmass vip) - combat dubplate
26. digital mystikz - misty winter - dmz
27. stormfield - haiku (monkeysteak remix) - combat dubplate

past Ammuntion shows at:

Combat Recordings HQ:

Combat MySpac:

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 12:29 pm
by james
Only just got round to listening to this, it's a sweet mix if you like this sort of bizness.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 7:22 pm
by Damo
cheers james!