I have recently moved the server over to a new home.
You may see some little changes around the site from uncollected.net --> uncollected.co.uk but don't be alarmed. Everything on the uncollected.net will work as normal and point you to the right direction.
If you do notice anything behaving strangely please either post it in this thread or send me a PM.
You should find the forum moving along a lot more quickly now.
Forum server upgrade!
Moderators: james, DannyBee, tom p
Forum server upgrade!
Last edited by james on Tue Sep 05, 2006 10:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
I forgot to mention this before.
If you have tried to register in the last couple of months and were told that your account was waiting to be approved by the administrator your application e-mail may not have made it through.
To remedy this, either
1) set up a brand new account
2) send an e-mail to forum at uncollected dot co dot uk and let me know what the username was. I'll see what I can do.
If you have tried to register in the last couple of months and were told that your account was waiting to be approved by the administrator your application e-mail may not have made it through.
To remedy this, either
1) set up a brand new account
2) send an e-mail to forum at uncollected dot co dot uk and let me know what the username was. I'll see what I can do.