ID Cards

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Should we have ID Cards?

Yes, smear my DNA on a piece of plastic please!
Yes, but there is no way in hell I am paying £300 for it.
No way, are we in a George Orwell novel?!
Total votes: 12

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ID Cards

Post by james »

OK, getting a bit political and current affairs on your asses now, but I wanted to see what you think by way of a lil' poll.
Clarke disputes big brother fear

Charles Clarke has told MPs that ID cards will help attack - not create - the "Big Brother" society.

He said the cards would allow people to show who they were using one secure piece of identification rather than the multiple forms of ID proof now needed.

He said that the cards would also help protect against identity fraud.

MPs are currently debating the plans with a vote due at 2200 BST. The Tories and Lib Dems oppose the plans, but it is expected to be passed.

The home secretary stressed that people would have the right to check data held on them.

And he respondent to civil liberties' fears, saying: "There would be no compulsion on anybody to show their ID card in the street."

Full Story
What do you think?
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Post by Kenny »

I think your poll doesn't work. Democracy in action.

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Post by setwin »

just finished reading animal farm yesterday
coming straight outta cambridge
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Post by MikeTheBarber »


the cost will go over £100 per person cos its almost impossible to stay on budget for most government projects so hopefully they will scrap it when it goes over
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willy the piss
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Post by willy the piss »

think about the homeless, having a hard enough time as it is don't you think? tramp w/a turntable, what are your thoughts?(i know i just reaped the whirlwind) :wink:
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Post by bensonbenson »

that's all balderdash and grot. The sooner we move toward a militarized police state, the better. We can all wear tight-fitting bluey-black uniforms that do up at the side like a surgeon's and shave our heads so that it looks like an extra muscle.

I'd take it one step further if I was home secretary and demand that everyone have their ID cards tattooed onto their fucking faces, then charge them eight hundred quid for it, then spend everyone's money on guns to kill more foreigners.

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